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Postal Regulations

The US Postal Service has specific requirements about printed products that are mass mailed using pre-sorted, automated methods like First Class Pre-sorted or Pre Sort Standard. Please use the guidelines below to assist you in creating postcards that will be accepted by the USPS for delivery and answer some common question regarding the mailing service process. Our downloadable templates for postcards include postal clear zones to help you.

4" X 6" - Standard
4" X 6" - Optional
5" X 7" or larger - Standard
5" X 7" or larger - Optional

Red Zone
No text/graphics greater than 7% grayscale.

The only text allowed in the addressing area is the recipient mailing address. Any graphics, text or images that enter this area may cause your postcard to be rejected from mailing by USPS. We are not responsible for any rejections based on the artwork supplied by you.

Postal Indicia
If you have one you can use yours, even if we do the mailing. If you do not, and we are doing the mailing you will be able to use ours. Please contact us for our indicia number.

Return Addresses
We recommend including a return address on the back of your postcards. Including a return address enables you to update your list after each mailing and helps branding and identification of your company. First class mail is returned free of charge. Pre Sort Standard mail is not returned unless an ancillary "Return Service Requested" is printed on your card.

First Class vs. Pre Sort Standard Returns
When you send out your postcards via First Class Mail, the USPS automatically forwards your mail to individuals or companies that have moved and submitted a Change of Address (COA). However, that forwarding is only good for 12 months. For the next 6 months, the Post Office will return the pieces to the sender and indicate the new address that they have on file. This allows you to update your list for future mailings.

After 18 months, returned cards will only say "Undeliverable As Addressed" with no new address indicated. However, if you have not included your Return Address, they won't know where to return your cards and they will be thrown away. The same holds true for cases where someone has moved and NOT submitted a COA to the Post Office. They can't notify you of the move without a Return Address, and you will continue to send out pieces that will simply be disposed of. That is a waste of money for postage & printing plus Mailing Services fees or your labor in preparing the mailing.

When mailing using Standard Bulk Rate you get significantly reduced postage rates, however mail is not forwarded or returned. Bulk Mail that cannot be delivered to the person at the mailing address on the card will be disposed of unless you provide specific instructions to the Post Office via an Ancillary Service Endorsement. An ASE is a phrase that tells the USPS how you want undeliverable pieces handled:

Return Service Requested
This tells them to return the piece to you with updated address information.

Address Service Requested
This means you want them to forward the piece to the new address they have on file and to separately send you a notice with the new address information. For Pre Sort Standard Mail, both of these services are provided at an additional fee on just the forwarded or returned pieces.

Forwarding Service Requested
This is an endorsement that will forward pieces at no charge but will not provide a separate new address notification back to you.

For all ASEs, your Return Address must be on the card.

For more information on Ancillary Service Endorsements, go to the USPS website.

First Class vs. Pre Sort Standard Delivery Times
First-Class Mail is your best choice for time-sensitive mail. It is generally delivered in 3-5 days nationally and 1-3 days locally. Pre Sort Standard Mail, offers lower postage rates but with a longer delivery time. You can expect delivery in 7-14 days nationally and 2-6 days locally. Additionally, First Class delivery is consistent throughout the year while the Pre Sort Standard rate can take considerably longer at peak mailing periods such as the holidays.

Size Requirements and Mailing Rates for Postcards
According to the USPS requirements, the smallest mailable size is 3 1/2" x 5". The largest size for mailing at the Postcard rate is 4 1/4" x 6". The letter rate applies to any piece larger than 4 1/4" x 6" up to 6 1/8" x 11". For Pre Sort Standard Mail, there is no postcard rate so all of our postcard sizes use the Pre Sort Standard Mail letter rate.

If you have any leftover (non-mailed) postcards with your postal indicia pre-printed, you cannot mail those directly without adding the proper postage. When you specify a quantity of postcards to be mailed, you are only paying for the postage on those postcards. Any leftover postcards not mailed will need proper postage applied via stamp or metering.

Sir Speedy Contact Info
  956 First Avenue N
St. Petersburg, FL 33705
Hours M-F 8:30 - 5:00 MAP
P 727-823-1162
F 727-823-1382
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